The disclaimer from the second part of my treatise is still in place. So where were we? Oh yes the 1950s. What was so significant about the 1950s? Well it was about this time that the powerful forces were asking the same questions as I did, the only difference being that they quickly found the answer. Television.
Yes the advent of widespread televisions broadcasts started to cook human kind from the inside and triggered off all these dread diseases. Armed with this knowledge did the powerful forces put into place systems to lessen the effects of this radiation poison? Oh no they didn't. They saw it as an opportunity to tackle the burgeoning population that was eating up the earths resources and killing our climate.
There was only one problem. It was too slow so they looked for another source of radiation to supplement television and speed up the process of population control. In the meantime they spread the introduction of television as far and wide as they could. Have you ever asked yourself why every country has a national broadcaster providing cheap and easy access to television?
Beaming signals from the sky via satellites was an added bonus as it spread the footprint of the radiation across thousands of kilometers taking into account the poorest of poor citizens who could not afford television sets and who lived outside of urban areas, but it wasn't until a new technology emerged that put their plan into overdrive.
Cell phone technology concentrated the radiation and put a receiver into virtually every citizen's hands. By owning a cell phone we are saying "come on cook me" so all we have to do is wait for the 'ping' to tell us were done.
Phones are designed to do one thing really well and they aren't very sexy. Not everyone wanted one and kids could not have been bothered either way. So the powerful forces had to put the "rama lama" in the "rama lama ding dong". Along came Steve Jobs and phones became sexy. The only problem was that they were too expensive and so Android was born to place phone's into the hands of those with limited resources.
So that in essence is my hypothesis. The powerful forces are using the humble television and the smart phone to cull the human population. It solves the problem of having to use politically insensitive solutions such as one child policies or introducing mass sterilisation. There has been only one setback to which even the powerful forces themselves have not been immune. They have obviously limited their exposure to this radiation, but even the little that they are exposed to is having one side effect.
They, alongside the rest of humanity, are becoming more stupid by the day. If you do not believe me just read the front page of today's newspaper, or tomorrow's, or the next day's... So what do you think? Am I just a half baked conspiracy theorist who needs to be strung up by his Snopes or is there just the tiensi wiensiest sliver of truth? I will leave you to... Oh excuse me there is a rather loud banging at the doo
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