Monday, 14 January 2013

Damn those doctors

If it weren't so tragic it would be funny to read how cold and mercenary the medical profession is. I recently read an article on how bad the flu vaccinations are for us. Apart from the fact that the article was, in my not so humble opinion, a load of nonsense  it was incredible to read some of the comments that accompanied it.

One commenter gleefully pointed out that Merk had caused the polio outbreaks by the use of DDT thus creating a need for their vaccine. I wonder what he made of the response of one commenter who pointed out that polio was caused by a virus and not as a result of DDT poisoning. The inference which was made, and not so subtly by a number of commentators, was that one only needed to follow the "money trail" to ascertain why doctors and governments were pushing for the general population to have their flu shots.

Doctors caused some of the commentators some concern for the fact that they took money from the pharmaceutical companies to promote their poisons with lies. It seems weird to me that doctors, who seem to be totally stressed out by the amount of business they have anyway, would go to such extraordinary, and possibly illegal, lengths to get more business.

I am sure that there are unscrupulous doctors, they are human beings after all, but I seriously doubt that there is some sort of conspiracy among the entire medical profession to slowly kill us all by vaccination.  It is interesting to note that in the USA influenza annually causes about 36,000 deaths and 114,000 hospitalisations. It seems that one of the commentators prediction of population control by stupidity might just come true.

As an aside I agree that most medicines have their drawbacks. They are, after all, chemicals designed to be a one size fits all. Reading the package inserts can be just as dangerous to one's health as the disease we might be suffering from. Apart from vitamins and other supplements I take 11 pills a day. Some of these are a second choice of an original one which I did not tolerate all that well. In essence the 'poisons' in these drugs will probably kill me.

But there is one thing I know for sure. Without these drugs I would have died many years ago. I am extremely grateful to my mercenary doctors and the money grubbing pharmaceutical industry that I am alive and well enough to write this drivel. Oh, and by the way, apparently one of the effects of the flu vaccination which I have taken every year for at least the last 10 years is that it brings on Alzheimer's. Well I am 64 years old. The chances of me galloping into dementia are very strong and I guess someone will use me as an example to tell everyone and anyone of how dangerous flu vaccinations are.

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